Hello, openSUSE started to split the distribution provided configuration files from the changes the user makes. We have, similar to systemd, a vendor directory below /usr with the distribution configuration files and applications will merge the configs at start. For this, we developed libeconf to make that part easier. This patch implements libeconf support for util-linux and adds a configure option to specify the vendor directory below /usr. This is fully optional, without libeconf the current behavior will stay, and even with libeconf support, if there is no vendor directory, the tools will behave as of today. /etc/login.defs and /etc/default are read with this patch through libeconf. As there are at minimum 3 projects using /etc/login.defs and two (shadow and Linux-PAM) the two biggest consumers accepted this change already quite some time ago, it would be nice if util-linux would also accept and merge the patch to not behave different than the rest. Thanks, Thorsten -- Thorsten Kukuk, Distinguished Engineer, Senior Architect SLES & MicroOS SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany Managing Director: Felix Imendoerffer (HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg)