Hello, I have been trying for several days to setup a wireguard vpn and send all the traffic from a VM to another site (redirect gateway scenario). Site AOS is Centos 7.6 installed with docker and wireguard installed Site BOS is a Opensense 19.7.4 with wireguard installed from the plugin and a bunch of other things on it I believe the issue is within Ip route on Centos 7.6 but I am reaching out for maybe different opinions.On the Centos VM I am using wireguard installed from the repos on the website and using systemd to bring up the tunnel. Everything seem to be brought up correctly except that the traffic does not go through the tunnel. Further investigating I noticed something unusual (in my opinion). Before the tunnel is up:#ip rule show 0: from all lookup local 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default After the tunnel is up:#ip rule show 0: from all lookup local 32764: from all lookup main 32765: not from all fwmark 0xca6c lookup 51820 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default To me is seems like somehow there are 2 tables named "main" one after the new table created by wg-quick (looking at the priority it seems it is the same one that was present previously) and another one that gets create out of thin air before the wireguard created one named 51820.Ping works through the tunnel for IP to the other end of the tunnel#wg interface: wg0 public key: 8JXLXfl1W2xZd1T+zaCKSNB+FhUbb1IquIHvHhY7/iY= private key: (hidden) listening port: 34559 fwmark: 0xca6c peer: 04kTPSrh08X5uOCmL5aM1iCm8UqFHGtJDsrsPReafS8= endpoint: allowed ips: latest handshake: 1 minute, 41 seconds ago transfer: 87.85 KiB received, 415.61 KiB sent persistent keepalive: every 15 seconds# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=89.2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=89.5 msIs there any step that I might have missed or any kernel feature that would explain the behaviour?Worth mentioning it is a home env so I can test whatever is needed to get to the bottom of it. Thanks George