Hey guys, is anything happening today regarding a meeting or going out for lunch if people arrive a day early?

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth.xen@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 23 Jun 2016, at 12:39, George Dunlap <george.dunlap@citrix.com> wrote:
> On 23/06/16 12:33, Lars Kurth wrote:
>> Folks,
>> do you guys want to hold a Developer Meeting on Aug 24th (before Dev Summit). I do have space to do this, but last year's was very poorly attended. If you could get back to me with an opinion, that would help hugely. Alternatively it would also be possible to use the space for more focused meetings with fewer people. In that case, I would need a number of suggestions for meetings including meeting leaders.
>> Please have a look at the schedule http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/xen-project-developer-summit/program/schedule ... note that on the 26th, I kept the 2nd room free and was planning to use the Hackathon format in parallel to the talks in the main program. rather than having BoFs interspersed with talks. Some of the slots could be used to host the developer meeting, of desired.
> So to a large degree, the actual nuts-and-bolts planning which that
> meeting was meant to cover happens now at the "hackathons" instead.
> It's important I think, however, for the XenSummit to have a venue for
> people in the industry who may not know about the Hackathons (or for
> whatever reason can't come to them) to raise issues with the core
> developers and have them discussed.
> If the parallel track could actually fulfill that role, then I think it
> would be enough; the key would be making sure that the appropriate
> attention could be attracted.

That's why I asked. Maybe we can come up with a short list of topics that need to be discussed and are worthwhile for the developer meetings.

The idea behind using the Hackathon scheduling methodology for the parallel track is an experiment to make assigning of topics to space mor effective than in the past.

I don't have an opinion one way or another. We can have a developer meeting as well. Just shout and I will set it up.

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