Hi All,

I am trying to build u-boot for cubieboards A20 with hypervisor support. Eventually i will installing and loading xen in this board.

 I couldn't find sunxi-next branch that include hypervisor support in current git repo ( git://github.com/jwrdegoede/u-boot-sunxi.git
). Please let me know if what is correct branch i need to use for creating uboot for cubieboards A20 with hypervisor mode.

I am currently refering to this docs: https://mirage.io/wiki/xen-on-cubieboard2 to build uboot here and below is the description provided.


Xen needs to be started in non-secure HYP mode. Use this U-Boot Git repository:

git clone git://github.com/jwrdegoede/u-boot-sunxi.git
cd u-boot-sunxi
git checkout -b sunxi-next origin/sunxi-next

WARNING This branch no longer exists.

Note: only the "sunxi-next" branch has the required hypervisor support; DO NOT use the "sunxi" branch.
