Hi Fabio,

Many thanks for your reply. Notes below:

On 16/02/2021 20:55, Fabio Estevam wrote:
Hi Terry,

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 5:39 AM Terry Barnaby <terry@beam.ltd.uk> wrote:

I am trying to get the CAM-OV5645 MIPI-CSI camera interface working on a
WB-IMX6U-BW board for a development experiment. However, I'm not having
much luck with many different Linux "distribution" installs and info on
the Wandboard WB-IMX6U-BW and CAM-OV5645 camera seems very hard to get
hold of. The camera also does not appear to work on a PICO-PI-IMX8-PRO
board. I get kernel messages like those listed at the bottom of this
email. I guess the camera module may be faulty, (it is new), or there
may have been hardware changes. The kernel is not seeing the OV5645 on
the I2C-2 bus although the ov5645 kernel driver module is loaded. This
is just a check to see if anyone can shed any light on this ?

Also the WB-IMX6U-BW board is a revD1 board. However I note that the
current freescale.github.io Yocto build appears to consider it a revB1
Which U-Boot version is this?

Can you try U-Boot 2021.01?

It was "U-Boot 2020.04+fslc+g88c58453be (Oct 13 2020 - 21:59:38 +0000)". This is what was built using the instructions at: http://freescale.github.io but using what I thought would be the latest GIT using "repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform" not the rocko branch.

I have just downloaded the latest u-boot from its upstream GIT and built "U-Boot 2021.04-rc2 (Feb 16 2021 - 12:47:43 +0000)" and that has detected the revD1 board and has info on the PMIC. Thanks for the heads up. Although 2020.04 appeared to have code to check for the PMIC it looks like it only supported the quad processor variant not the dual lite.

As an aside, when building a Linux BSP for this or other iMX6/8 boards is http://freescale.github.io the best starting point (being new to the iMX6/8 platforms) ?

board and both uboot and the kernel tries to use the
imx6dl-wandboard-revb1.dtb rather than the imx6dl-wandboard-revd1.dtb.
As a quick hack I have copied imx6dl-wandboard-revd1.dtb over
imx6dl-wandboard-revb1.dtb in /boot for the kernel but not touched
uboot. The Linux boots fine with this (The Ethernet was not working with
imx6dl-wandboard-revb1.dtb). Not sure what is wrong here ?

Also anyone know of any sources of information as the wandboard.org site
does not seem to be active/maintained (no forums, not contacts etc.) ?


Yocto http://freescale.github.io build:
[    5.667968] coda 2040000.vpu: Firmware code revision: 46076
[    5.673786] coda 2040000.vpu: Initialized CODA960.
[    5.678626] coda 2040000.vpu: Firmware version: 3.1.1
[    5.714096] coda 2040000.vpu: encoder registered as video4
[    5.714250] imx-sdma 20ec000.sdma: loaded firmware 3.5
[    5.728100] coda 2040000.vpu: decoder registered as video5
[    5.970899] ov5645 1-003c: ov5645_write_reg: write reg error -6:
reg=3a19, val=f8
I don't recall getting these I2C failures.

Which kernel version is this?

I tested camera capture recently on Wandboard with a mainline kernel
and it worked well.

Thanks for the info. I am coming to the conclusion that either I have a duff CAM-OV6545 board (it was new) or the CAM-OV6545 hardware has changed in some way. Certainly I cannot get the particular CAM-OV6545 board working on an iMX6 or iMX8 platform and it doesn't show up with an i2cdetect probe before or after the ov6545.ko module is loaded (I think the ov6545.ko module may power up the board with a GPIO line, but I have found no documentation on the CAM-OV6545module apart from the Wandboard user-manual pinout for the connector but the user manual for the WB-IMX6U-BW only has schematics for the revA1 board not the revD1). I have ordered another CAM-OV6545 board.


Fabio Estevam