On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 10:07 AM Brian Hutchinson via lists.yoctoproject.org <b.hutchman=gmail.com@lists.yoctoproject.org> wrote:

First, forgive me for posting a link in an post with no context ... I hit a wrong button and accidentally sent before ready.

Bottom line up front.  How can I get a 5.10 kernel with multi-lane support for IMX8MM?

We use linux-fsl 5.4 on a IMXMM based board and have recently stepped up to linux-fsl 5.10 and the sound/fsl/fsl_sai.c has no support for "multi-lane" anymore which breaks our code.

I figure this is simply a case where things in linux-imx are new and just not picked up in linux-fslc yet but wondering if it's possible to get multi-lane support in a 5.10 kernel for the IMX8MM. 

I still don't quite fully understand how all the releases work, the linux-imx releases appear to be for newer boards and don't necessarily support the older boards from what I'm seeing.

Thanks for any advice/guidance.



And that link I accidentally posted by itself https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/linux-imx/tree/sound/soc/fsl/fsl_sai.c?h=lf-5.10.y

... is the reference I mentioned where I see multi-lane support in linux-imx 5.10.



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