Hi Dhanyalakshmi,
I've reviewed the crash you're experiencing with the toaster. Here are my responses to your last message to Marlon.
1.  Firstly, it seems that the toaster is not set up correctly according to the toaster's specifications. Please refer to this [manual](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/toaster-manual/setup-and-use.html) for proper setup instructions.
2.  You mentioned that you want to build an image on Release `Yocto version=4.2 mickledore`, which is correct. However, in order to do so, you need to select the build system (4.2 mickledore) when creating a project, and then proceed to build the image. (Please refer to this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYgDZ8YzV6w) for instructions on how to create a project in toaster and `select the desired build system (4.2 mickledore)`).
3.  When attempting to reproduce the build crash you encountered, we followed the aforementioned steps. However, it appears that the image (`ls-image-main`) you are attempting to build does not exist in toaster under `Yocto version=4.2 mickledore`.